Saturday, February 22, 2020

Picasso's Guernica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Picasso's Guernica - Essay Example The essay "Picassos Guernica" provides a critique on Pablo Picasso’s "Guernica". Picasso was quite clear in being intentional with the underlying meaning of his work. Undoubtedly, this painting’s underpinnings suggest a build-up of fomented bitterness regarding the war and its effects on Spain and its people. This is clearly demonstrated through the the perspective of the work, Cubism. The aesthetic nature of Guernica is striking, due to the fact that it is painted in three colors only: black, white, and grey. Notwithstanding perspective, the use of materials is significant, as the is theway in which the Guernica was composed. Further, both the inherent and hidden meanings, unintended and intentional in nature, extricate a rich world of meaning that gives it a life all its own. Here, one will consider perspective and use of materials, including the element of composition; and, notwithstanding, an explanation regarding the meaning behind Guernica will be duly attempted. Perspective is very important in Picasso’s Guernica. Like many of his works during the war period, Picasso chose to do this painting in the style of Cubism. The elements of Cubism that make it so distinct are the boxy qualities of the faces and bodies in the painting, which are designed from multiple perspectives—head-on, from the right side, and from the left side. Technicallly speaking, the people and animals with Cubist elements in Picasso’s painting Guernica tend to have anguished-looking faces and mangled bodies. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ This adds to a sense of foreboding in the work and gives the painting an an all-around pervasively haunting quality. Perspective is a particularly interesting problematic in Guernica, as one can see automatically that there is a twisted mindset-a tortured soul, if one wills-which lies within the source of the painting. The perspective sets the mood and the tone for Guernica, obviously giving it depressing yet action-filled nuances. The use of materials in Guernica speaks volumes about the painting itself and what the artist sought to achieve. Guernica is a rather large painting (349 X 777 cm), having been put behind bullet-proof glass at one point in order to protect it. The largeness of the painting denotes the importance it had in Picasso's mind. Guernica instantly makes an impression upon the viewer at first sight, due to its relatively huge size. The painting's size is meant to be large for a reason; it is supposed to overwhelm the viewer. The fact that the painting was done in oil was probably a matter of comfort for Picasso; it was a medium that allowed for subtle changes without having to rework the entire painting-unlike other mediums such as acrylic or watercolor-where one mistake could ruin the piece in its entirety. III. Composition The fact that Picasso's Guernica is painted in the various stark shades of black, white, and grey,

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Research- managing small business Research Paper

- managing small business - Research Paper Example RAYZ is small company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, having business interests in digital marketing and social media. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of small business with respect to established theories and principles, taking RAYZ as an example. In most of the developed countries such as the United States and United Kingdom, big companies or corporates contribute heavily to economic development whereas in developing countries such as India and China, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in streamlining economic progress. Small business or SME has different definitions in different countries. As the name indicates, small business or SME is nothing but a business in which the revenue generated and the number of employees working is below certain standards. These standards will be different in different countries. While the United States has not set any criteria for defining SMEs, the European Union defines Small enterprise as a company with fewer than 50 employees, and medium-sized enterprise as a company with fewer than 250 employees (Investopedia, 2015). Saudi Arabia is one of the most rapidly developing states in the Middle East at present. As in the case of India and China, SMEs contribute heavily to the development of the KSA. A lot of small business operates in the Kingdom by the locals as well as foreigners. RAYZ is one such small company, started in Riyadh 2012 by a young group of creative and ambitious individuals. Bandar Alwabil and Yazeed AlGhuraibi are the founders of RAYZ which is specialized in digital marketing and social media business. Rayan Alwabil is the Chief Executive Officer of the company while Yazeed AlGhuraibi is working as the Chief Operating Officer of the company at present. Around 30 employees work in various departments of RAYZ now (RAYZ, 2015). The