Monday, May 25, 2020

Mary Jemison (Dehgewanus) White Woman of the Genesee

Dates: 1743 - September 19, 1833 Known for: Indian captive, subject of captivity narrative Also known as: Dehgewanus, White Woman of the Genesee Mary Jemison was captured by Shawnee Indians and French soldiers in Pennsylvania on April 5, 1758. She was later sold to Senecas who took her to Ohio. She was adopted by the Senecas and renamed Dehgewanus. She married, and went with her husband and their young son to Seneca territory in western New York. Her husband died on the journey. Dehgewanus remarried there, and had six more children. The American Army destroyed the Seneca village during the American Revolutionary War as part of a retaliation for the Cherry Valley massacre, led by Senecas including Dehgewanus husband who were allied with the British. Dehgewanus and her children fled, joined later by her husband. They lived in relative peace in the Gardeau Flats, and she was known as the Old White Woman of the Genesee. By 1797 she was a large landowner. She was naturalized as an American citizen in 1817. In 1823 a writer, James Seaver, interviewed her and the next year published The Life and Times of Mrs. Mary Jemison. When the Senecas sold the land to which theyd moved, they reserved land for her use. She sold the land in 1831 and moved to a reservation near Buffalo, where she died on September 19, 1833. In 1847 her descendents had her reburied near her Genesee River home, and a marker stands there in Letchworth Park. Also on this site A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison - full copy of the narrative written in 1823 by James E. Seaver based on interviews with Mary JemisonWomen in Captivity Narratives - perspective on the stereotypes perpetuated and violated by these stories, once very popularAbout Mary Rowlandson - another famous captiveWomen in Colonial America Mary Jemison on the web Mary Jemison: Captivity Narrative from the 1750s - some selections from the first-person narrative written by James Seaver who interviewed Mary/DehgewanusA Glimpse of Mary Jemison - from Letchworth Park website Mary Jemison - bibliography Rayna M. Gangi. Mary Jemison: White Woman of the Seneca. Clear Light, 1996. Novel.James E. Seaver, edited by June Namias. A Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison. University of Oklahoma, 1995. Indian Captivity Narratives - bibliography Christopher Castiglia. Bound and Determined: Captivity, Culture-Crossing and White Womanhood. University of Chicago, 1996.Kathryn and James Derounian and Arthur Levernier. Indian Captivity Narrative, 1550-1900. Twayne, 1993.Kathryn Derounian-Stodola, editor. Womens Indian Captivity Narratives. Penguin, 1998.Frederick Drimmer (editor). Captured by the Indians: 15 Firsthand Accounts, 1750-1870. Dover, 1985.Gary L. Ebersole. Captured By Texts: Puritan to Postmodern Images of Indian Captivity. Virginia, 1995.Rebecca Blevins Faery. Cartographies of Desire: Captivity, Race, and Sex in the Shaping on an American Nation. University of Oklahoma, 1999.June Namias. White Captives: Gender and Ethnicity on the American Frontier. University of North Carolina, 1993.Mary Ann Samyn. Captivity Narrative. Ohio State University, 1999.Gordon M. Sayre, Olaudah Equiano and Paul Lauter, editors. American Captivity Narratives. D C Heath, 2000.Pauline Turner Strong. Captive Selves, Captivating Others. Westvie w Press, 2000. About Mary Jemison Categories: Indian captive, captivity narrative writerPlaces: New York, Genesee, America, OhioPeriod: 18th century, French and Indian War

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Comparison of The Thirteenth Tale and Wuthering...

â€Å"All children mythologize their birth. It is a universal trait. You want to know someone? Heart, mind, and soul? Ask him to tell you about when he was born. What you get won’t be the truth; it will be a story. And nothing is more telling than a story.† – Vida Winter, Tales of Change and Desperation (Setterfield). The two novels The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield, and Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte were written decades apart, yet they have similar elements. Wuthering Heights is a work of gothic fiction with some Victorian elements as well. Being that the two novels are so similar is it plausible that The Thirteenth Tale could be considered gothic fiction. It seems to fall under that category. They both use techniques such as the†¦show more content†¦Throughout the telling of the story Miss Winter often changes points of view from third to first person, from â€Å"they† to â€Å"we† to â€Å"I†. The first time she uses â€Å"I† is in the telling of Isabelle’s death and Charlie’s disappearance (Setterfield, 204). Whilst Nelly is telling the story, she more often is telling it in third person, but the telling of the story changes to first whenever it is a scene of which she is in. The telling of Wuthering Heights is a frame story with multi-layered, first – person narration (Tomlinson). The frame narrative is Lockwood’s tale as a traveler (outsider), he is hearing the family history through Ellen Dean (aka Nelly) without any background knowledge. The interior narrative is the history reiterated by Nelly (an insider with intimate knowledge) with help of other minor first-person narrators who are players in the Interior story and who break in occasionally (Tomlinson). Parts of the story that Nelly is sharing with Lockwood she heard from other characters through tertiary narration, and then later relays them to him [Lockwood] (Tomlinson). Tertiary narration is the rec ounting of eyewitness narrations by people who have played some part in the narration that is now being described (Tomlinson). There are a few scenes in which Catherine is conversing with Nelly. Nelly is reiterating what Catherine shared with her during those discussions. After Isabella runs away with Heathcliff to be married she writes a letter to Nelly explaining what is

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dynamic Capabilities Theory Of The Organization

The knowledge is part of all spheres, levels, department in the company, that also has partnership with universities, institutions as well laboratories, apart from IBM’s laboratories. The Organization invest in a massive structure of learning, from Business, organizational, as examples for rules, practice and guidelines, until science for developing new technologies. In this way, as the information are available for all employees, this can contribute to reduce power and influence, as internally, between leader and followers, as such, as stimulate the individual development. Thirdly, the case can evidence concepts from the Dynamic capabilities, considering the changes experienced by the company, when Louis Gerstner was CEO. The dynamic†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"returning IBM to greatness required getting back in touch with our DNA. So, one of the first things I did as CEO was to initiate an effort to re-examine our core values.†6 Presently, the current investment of the company is in artificial intelligence. In 2011, IBM presented Watson, a supercomputer, based on cognitive science, on an American television quiz show â€Å"Jeopardy†. The robot, competed with two of the best winners, the challenge of the competition was to guess the question for the answer informed by the presenter. Watson won the game. This was a more popular form encountered by IBM to promote the novel system they are waggling to be a milestone in the IT industry. Pisani (2014), consider this novel computing will likewise modify the way Business is normally conducted. The cognitive computers are not able to think by itself, however, it is capable to learn. This system has ability to absorb information, interact, also it is apt to propose solutions. The company will deliver the novelty with other system, cloud computing, area where IBM was legged in the market competition. Watson it is a system which is compounded by different capabil ities as analytics, NPL as well â€Å"machine learning techniques†. Each the system receives and process information by interacting with users, becomes smarter and absorb more knowledge. (Hurwitz, Kaufman and Bowles, 2015; p.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Disney Princess Analyzation free essay sample

Although numerous celebrities have tried to compete, there is no denying that the only women that have remained every girl’s role model since the days of light-up sneakers are the Disney princesses. They have shiny, quaffed hair, elegant ball gowns, and unnaturally perfect smiles without awkward middle school head-gear (it glimmered in its own way†¦). So, how can it be that five animated women came to dominate every single, squishy girl soul from the ages zero to one hundred? Deception. Of course you never noticed when you were little because you were too focused on coloring inside the lines, but the Disney Princesses we grew up on, the REAL Disney princesses, are just the opposite of role models for women in society today. Bippity- Boppity- Blasphemy Poor Cinderella created every single feaux blonde in the school roaming the halls for her â€Å"prince charming†. Guess what? A boy who has a foot fetish is most likely not your type†¦ Since when has judging a person on their outer appearance every lead to a happy ever after? After one little glance, Cinderella decides she loves Prince Charming (he must use Axe hair products), and Prince Charming decides he loves Cinderella (seriously? I feel like I’m watching â€Å"The Bachelor†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦). We will write a custom essay sample on Disney Princess Analyzation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After years of being knee deep in crud and talking to vermin, Cinderella loses her beautiful ball gown and pristine carriage to marry her prince. In essence, do your chores, get yourself a stud, and aspire to do absolutely nothing†¦ â€Å"Tricks as Old as Time, Song as Old as Rhyme† Belle has beauty and intellect, making her the most dangerous of all princesses. At the surface, it would seem that Belle would be every mother’s glory child because she values education and is very family oriented. Belle is locked in a tower because her father was lost in the woods (ladies and gentleman, the only man in the world without a Smartphone†¦) and begins to fall in love with a beast. At the end of this â€Å"fairy tale† Belle changes the physical features of the beast with â€Å"love† and they live happily ever after. Belle created the â€Å"nagging wife† and lead girls to believe that they could change a man. Part of your†¦ Wonder Bra? Thanks to Ariel, Bras are now a substitute for a shirt. Besides influencing nudist societies, Ariel was the spokeswoman (no pun intended) for airheaded women. Ariel falls in love with Prince Phillip and trades in her beautiful voice for legs (and this, my friends, is when physical attributes became more important than talent). Somehow, Prince Phillip falls in love with Ariel and they get married, even though she has not said a single syllable to him. Ariel teaches young women not to have opinions. As long as you are pretty, or willing to pay the price of extreme plastic surgery, you will live your happily ever after! Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! Sadly, most girls wouldn’t realize that Aurora is Sleeping Beauty! Her name should just be enough! When a man calls you beautiful every now and then, it’s endearing, but when he calls you nothing but â€Å"beautiful† it’s because he doesn’t know your name (or he is genuinely afraid of mixing it up with the other women’s names†¦. ). Sleeping Beauty is just a good way to call someone a lazy butt. Aurora is the reason that women sleep 16 plus hours to get their â€Å"beauty sleep† (hunny, that much sleep is doing just the opposite). Princess Aurora is the epiphany of your best friend whose boyfriend lives in Jamanji working as a doctor that heals sick fairies and models part time ( OH YEAH!! He doesn’t exist†¦). She spends all of her time daydreaming for things that she wants in life instead of actually working to get them. Men don’t just fall out of the sky and land in your woods, Aurora; time to stop talking to squirrels and start talking to studs. The Side-effects of Poison Apples Unless you are the kind of girl that can win a lottery with one ticket, Snow White is not a safe route for a role model. Simply said, she is the luckiest son-of-a-gun that can survive taking candy from a Stranger (if there was a van, she would have jumped into it too). Snow White taught young girls to be naive and to just assume that society is always good (how’s that for a little burst of sunshine? ). She also teaches that you can only make friends by doing all of their chores for them and that, when you really get yourself into a pickle, you need a man to make it all better. And the Clock Strikes Midnight What the heck was Disney thinking? It’s a good thing we have women like Brittney Spears and Miley Cyrus that we can look up to ( oh yeah, we don’t! ). The world of the perfect, subservient woman has been shattered and Disney has started to make reparations for a lifetime of misconceptions. New Disney Princesses, such as Merida and Tatiana, exemplify strong, fierce women with laudable integrity. While the original Disney princesses may not be the best to take notes on, it’s like watching Lindsey Lohan get yet another DUI: you know it’s bad, but there is no denying it is entertaining.